Thursday, December 21, 2017

Top 13 thoughts Right Now

1. I need more sleep since I barely got any sleep during the thanksgiving.
2. I have to start wrapping gifts for my family.
3. I have to buy a present for my girlfriend.
4. I have to help clean my uncle's house for Christmas.
5.  I have to go to the store with my mom to get food for a party.
6. I have to help tamales with my mom. I also have to make horchata, jamaica, and maybe cebada.
7. We have to clean our house to put up lights. We have to finish putting up the tree and decorating it.
8. I want to buy a bulldog but they are way too expensive.
9. I still have to buy my brother a present.
10. I have to pick up my grade before the week is over.
11. I want to get my teachers a present.
12. I'm still waiting to get my parents because I don't want them to see what I get them.
13. I might buy a dog but not a bulldog.
Image result for christmas

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